I have been using BioGraffs for over a year now, and I'm still amazed at how it helps me find clarity on gnarly problems.
Hey, friends, Mary here. I've known Jen since we were doing weird art installations in the woods in our 20s! A couple of years ago she introduced me to her invention, BioGraffs. I've been using them every since.
The reason I keep using them is they help so much! When I'm trying to figure out something gnarly, and my brain keeps getting stuck, I make a BioGraff. Within minutes I get some clarity. Every time.
I think it's easy to underestimate just how powerful it is, because it's so simple. So that's why I want to give you a chance to try it out.
Jen has generously offered The Blissipline Community a free workshop! (Thanks Jen!)
So you can experience it for yourself.
BioGraffs workshop
with Jen Beman
(BioGraffs inventor, and my dear friend!)
Saturday, January 25th
11am - 12:30pm
Eastern (New York) time
On Zoom
If you can't be there live, don't worry.
Everyone who registers will be sent the recording.
So, what are Biograffs?
Jen has a beautiful and very complete website where you can learn all about them, so I'm just going to tell you my personal impression.
It's a really cool system that uses little colored squares to help you think through a problem, or a question, or anything you're exploring.
You just follow a few simple directions, and this issue that has felt challenging, or confusing, or even impenetrable, suddenly starts to become clearer somehow.
I know that sounds ridiculously simple, but here's the thing...
Come to our workshop, and experience it for yourself.